Innocence Lost
I resent what happened on 9/11. I went to the doctor's today and left the office with a monitor strapped to my chest. Surgical tape showing at my neckline, wires hanging out at my waist; red, yellow, green, white, black. Green light flashing. Measuring life.
And I'm hesitant to go out in public now. Why? Because, how comfortable do you think the guy at Starbuck's is, having me sit in the drive-thru looking like I'm wired with explosives?
I work for a very, VERY large software company. Think there would be any consternation if I walked into any of its 150 buildings flashing green at the waist, all systems go, just don't piss me off or I'll push this little button here?
Yes, what happened on 9/11 united the nation in compassion, empathy. And it robbed us of an innocence that we (rightly or wrongly) can go to work in comfort, not fear.
Am I the only one who watches planes in the sky now? Looking for irregularities? Sure, I could get shot while out dancing on a Friday night - but that's internal conflict. Our own civil wars, something we have control over. Or at least the illusion of control.
What am I really bitching about? I don't know; perhaps that such tragedies make us have to grow up, join the rest of the world in facing reality. Humans have been terrorizing each other since the beginning of time. They likely won't stop until time ends. I can only do my part in staying home today. No reason to worry people needlessly.
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