Loud Sounds, Bright Colors - it must be Christmas!
I'm going to a concert tomorrow night and I am so excited!! Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the best Christmas music ever! Can anything be better than listening to an electric guitar slide it's way through Hark the Herald Angels Sing and O' Come All Ye Faithful? And how can you not like a song call Christmas Jam! Christmas music improved one hundredfold - es muy excellente!!
I've started my Christmas shopping. And, after buying 3 gifts, I stopped. Not because I'm poor or anything, but who has time? I used to frown on people who gave gift certificates or cold hard cash. Now I'm one of them! (Oops, I think I just told my kids what I'm getting them for Christmas. Daaaaamn!)
Seriously, this is one of my fave holidays. I love the tree, I love the food, I love foil wrapping paper. I especially love lying at the base of the tree looking up at the colored lights, squinting my eyes so they are all starry; I love the kaleidoscope of colors that is Christmas.
On the other hand, I don't so much like Christmas morning, when all that nice blur of color is a huge crumpled mess of color. Hm, does that make me obsessive compulsive or just a neat-nick?
Anyway, I just got back from a short vacay to California. I had an awesome time! I got to see the littlest angel sing, I got to visit with family I seldom see, and I got to meet all kinds of new people, including the funniest man I've ever met and a darling irish lad of 40-some-odd years :-)
And I had my first shot of whiskey. I was comatose for the next 24 hours, so I don't remember if it was good or not. I do remember toasting my birthday with my daughter and two guys we'd never met, one bartender-cum-homey and one dilf, as the angel dubbed him. Oh, and I remember throwing up and telling l'ange that ALL GUYS MUST LEAVE AT ONCE. She cleared the room forthwith, as a good daughter would do. I vaguely recall smooching noises as she did it, but I'm not completely certain it wasn't part of the cacaphony of sounds ringing in just my head.
The next day, I got to fly home. On a plane. And all morning, in the towncar, in the airport, on the plane, people kept asking me was I ok. You'd think they'd never seen a green face before! And you know, the stewardess was downright rude when I asked for a second airsick bag - sheesh!
To the gorgeous redheaded woman on her honeymoon, thank you so much for your concern! You were very sweet!
To the littlest angel, thank you for holding back my hair!
To the second middle angel, thank you for driving me through McDonald's - Stephanie Plum is right, Mickey D's is the perfect hangover food :-)
Haha, you're welcome. :) Thanks for the chocolate-dipped ice cream!
8:52 PM
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