Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Middle of the Riddle

For some strange reason, people keep asking me what makes me tick. I've actually been asked that question four times in the past month. What the dillio? Am I truly such an odd duck that this would be interesting to anyone?

Ok, I'll tell you what I know about myself. It isn't much, though, so if you're hoping to solve some great mystery, good luck!
  1. I was born with a bleeding ulcer. I vomited blood for the first month of my life.
  2. I went to an experimental high school in Los Angeles.
  3. I played the piano, french horn, guitar, mandolin and five-string banjo.
  4. I had my first drink when I was 21 and my second when I was 32.
  5. I've had sexual "encounters" with less than 10 men; I've slept with five of them, married two of those five, and dream about the second one of those nearly every night.
  6. I've been pregnant five times and birthed four children; I'll feel no greater pain or guilt than that from the death of my fifth.
  7. I spend the first hour of every day laying in bed and thinking of all the people, places and things that make me smile.
  8. I sleep kitty-cornered unless I'm sharing space :-)
  9. I've never been in a sex shop.


Blogger Amy said...

Even I've been into a sex shop.

5:44 PM

Blogger wood_song said...

Well, next time, could you pick me up some of those flavored condoms?

10:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, number nine explains a lot about you.

10:56 AM

Blogger Julian said...

I think you're more of a riddle to yourself than to others. Or maybe you're a riddle if we see you as you'd like us to see you.

Like an onion if one were to strip away the layers, one would see the little defenseless girl that is waiting for a hand to reach out and steady her on this wonderful journey that you'd love to take....

12:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I liked it better when I defined myself by what others needed from me. Being foot-loose and fancy-free is as exhausting as it is exhilarating!

12:36 PM


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