Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

To Pee or Not To Pee...

So, I'm at a Women's Seminar and there are a freakin' TON of women here. We are being educated on how to get along better in a man's world. First of all, it's a man's world?? Right off the bat, I feel defeated...

Truly! Like, are men all across the globe attending seminars that teach them how to get along in a woman's world? I can only imagine how those classes would go :)

I know one thing that would be different for sure - the ratio of salads to sandwiches provided during lunch would be significantly different. And men would not get tiny fingerling cookies for their afternoon snack. They would get cowpie-sized chocolate chip cookies, three each. I am absolutely starved!!

And the lines going into restrooms would move faster, too.

Some thought was given to this last, however, and the men's restroom was appropriated for use of women throughout this three-day conference. This should have helped, but turns out there are half the number of stalls in men's restrooms than women's, so no.

Using a men's restroom was, for me, a small step of my own to learn to live in a man's world. That's right, at the age of 50, I have now ventured into my first men's restroom. I've been in unisex bathrooms, of course, but I've never gone into a full-strength, multiple-stall men's restroom. And I would guess there are at least four other women in the world who have not, los quatro angeles, si?

'Twas actually quite the adventure for me. Since the line was long, I had time to analyze my feelings. First, I was intensely curious about the urinals but hesitant to look at them lest I be caught. Wierd, eh? The urinals were separated from each other by a short partition that would allow a man in one stall to speak with and look into the eyes of the man in the next stall while circumspectly blocking view of his tinkling penis.

Second, I did not want to set my laptop or anything else down on any available surfaces. That may seem wierd, but no one else would set their stuff down either, so I'm gonna go with that one being normal and the fault of the male species. Even though we females could be dead-certain the bathrooms had been cleaned top-to-bottom, we were still convinced there were man-pee germs looking for opportunity to invade our woman-clean world.

Third, there were no containers of hand lotion on the countertops next to the sinks/faucets. So, do men's hands not dry out? I mean, come on, there are non-perfumed hand lotions out there, lotion is not just for women! Oh, that's right, I forgot! This was a seminar on how women can get further in a man's world! But really, come on, surely there are men who would like to soften their hands after cleansing them. Gerry?

It's funny, I went in thinking, "oh, this is new, I'm not sure about this!" And I came out a survivor!! Turns out, I CAN live in a man's world after all!

Still, next "bio" break, I stood in the longer line to the old and familiar. What can I say, I wanted hand lotion...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I just had an epiphany! Men use lotion, just not for that purpose! Men need to stay focused at work, and having a bottle of hand lotion so readily available to them is completely counter-productive, isn't it? Ah ha!

10:16 AM

Blogger wood_song said...

Ha ha! Squirt, moist,handle, hard. Such lovely words...

2:40 PM


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