Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Under Pressure...

Now there's a song that makes me jump up and dance :)

Main Entry: tit·il·late
Function: verb
To excite pleasurably : arouse by stimulation; (intransitive verb) to act as a stimulant to pleasurable excitement

We have an ongoing discussion in our house as to whether or not "titillate" can be used in a non-sexual manner. I say yes, the girls say no. I cannot come up with a single sentence to support my opinion, but that's because I'm in a funk.

If a funk must have a color, we'll go with the traditional blue to match the popsicle l'ange énergique ate for breakfast this a.m. If nothing else, I've taught my children good eating habits and at least two good words, "titillate" and "ablutions."

Being an all-girl household, we use manly tools for unmanly jobs - for instance, Jody used the handle of a phillips screwdriver to break the popsicle into dainty chunks prior to ingestion.

What causeth the funk, you ask? Likely the fact that I did NOT sleep like a rock last night. That would be because Jody took me to see a vampire movie. After dark.

Chippin' around
kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours

So, what part of my screaming nonstop through the quarter mile of Haunted Forest did she not understand? Still, she took me to a horror film three days before Halloween. Now, when I listen to the moon song in my head (to make me feel better), I just hear this wierd little scary voice singing, "I see the moon and the moon sees me. The moon sees the one that I want to see." Then silence. See? You are spooked now, too, aren't you?

If someone is a big scaredy-cat, they should only go see horror movies in the full of sunlight. And they should follow up with something fun, like chasing goats that faint when scared.

But no, we went to see 30 Days of Night after dark. Then we went home to bed. Dumb-asses.

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me high high higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Main Entry: epiph·a·ny
Pronunciation: \i-ˈpi-fə-nē\
Function: noun
(1): a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2): an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3): an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b: a revealing scene or moment

So, do other people's kids dress up like sister chromatids for Halloween?

According to wikipedia and The Fairest Angel, a chromatid is one of two identical strands of DNA making up a chromosome that are joined at their centromeres. This is an important point because they are sister-chromatids only so long as the centromeres remain in contact. When they separate, the strands become daughter-chromosomes.

Interesting. Food for my later thoughts; I am sure there is an epiphany in there somewhere...

The tips of the chromatid are called telomeres. I know about telomeres because mon deuxième ange once explained to me that these little bastards are why I am gonna grow old no matter how often I go dancing. Damn telomeres, I hate them...

Main Entry: scintillating
Function: adjective
brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty (a scintillating conversation)

In truth, these conversations are always fascinating to me, especially because the girls become so lively when discussing. Take this week for example. The Baby Bear and I were having coffee at Victor's (her fave even though she works for Starbucks), and she was extremely animated when describing the mytosis process of chromatids. Her hands were up in the air, imitating chromasomes and chromatids and...well, I was spell-bound and she wasn't even holding a wand.

But my absolute favorite part of these discussions is the grounding factor. That's the moment when, as we are sitting in the lofty hall of learning, and the speaker is expounding on a topic of rare and considerable importance, and the listeners are respectfully reclining with hands on chins in thoughtful pose, the speaker cuts the cheese.

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
this is ourselves


Blogger Unknown said...

Uuuuhhhhmazing. :) You can't blame me for eating a bright blue popsicle for breakfast. There was no other edible food in the house! And for the record, I said "titilate" did not have to be sexual, too. :P

7:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Who's blaming you? I just ate some croutons dipped in pesto sauce! Sheesh, I should go shopping once in awhile...

I wonder how pesto-coated raisins would taste...

7:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, and also for the smile :)

8:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I thought it was only mammy bear who had a penchant (another excellent word by the way) for blue drinks.

Pesto-coated raisins sound titillating in the extreme but then I'm a sciolist when it comes to being an epicure. They might be just the thing to titillate my fancy.

And no, you will never find hand cream in a gents' because:
a) as you point out, hand cream is in the same bracket as that siblingless sock as far as guys as concerned;
b) most men bypass the sinks anyway (and some even choose to wash in their own stream - well, I suppose uruc acid is antispetic), and;
c) men don't want soft hands - we want something rough and ready to abrade the gentler sex's more sensitive regions.

10:07 PM


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