Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Friday, November 23, 2007


  • Al Otro Lado Del Rio

  • Clavo mi remo en el agua
    llevo tu remo en el mio.
    Creo que he visto una luz
    al otro lado del rio.

    El dia le ira pudiendo
    poco a poco al frio.
    Creo que he visto una luz
    al otro lado del rio.

    Sobre todo, creo que no todo esta perdido.
    Tanta lagrima, tanta lagrima,
    y yo soy un vaso vacio...

    Oigo una voz que me llama,
    casi un suspiro:
    ¡Rema, rema, rema!
    ¡Rema, rema, rema!

    En esta orilla del mundo
    lo que nos es presa es baldio.
    Creo que he visto una luz
    al otro lado del rio.

    Yo, muy serio, voy remando,
    muy adentro y sonrio.
    Creo que he visto una luz
    al otro lado del rio.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Please not the Santana version. I still don't know whether or not to believe my father when he says that we're related to Che.

    3:52 PM

    Blogger wood_song said...

    Not :)

    4:22 PM

    Blogger Unknown said...

    I don't believe there is a Santana version. It's by Jorge Drexler. And you? Related to Che Guevara? That's cool. It'd be cooler if you were related Gael Garcia Bernal. Maybe you could hook me up. ;)

    8:46 PM

    Blogger wood_song said...

    Gael Garcia Bernal...sigh!

    8:49 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jorge Drexler wasn't allowed to perform the song himself at the Oscar Ceremony where he received the Best Song award. Instead they had a Santana version with Antonio Banderas singing - don't ask me what they were thinking. Drexler got his own back slightly by singing a verse a capella as his acceptance speech.

    And supposedly myself and Ernesto shared (great?-)great-grandmothers - not sure if this is true or not. One side of his family was Irish so it is at least plausible, but I wouldn't lend it too much credence.

    11:58 PM

    Blogger Unknown said...

    What?! That is so stupid! Why wasn't he allowed to perform it? And why why WHY would they allow Antonio Banderas to sing it?

    1:37 AM


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