Go Ask Alice...
I see my doctor carefully read my chart again.
She prescribed a drug that has, as one of its serious side-effects a fast/irregular heartbeat. My chart says I have arrhythmia. Sigh!
The funny thing is this is a one-dose prescription and I'm supposed to notify my doctor immediately if I notice any of the side effects listed.
I'm thinking, what's she gonna say? Stop taking the drug? It's one dose. It'll be a little late in the game to stop taking it, eh?
And how does someone with arrhythmia know if the beat-skipping is due to emotional upheaval or the medication?
"Oh doctor, touch my fingers."
"Well, goodness gracious me."
"You may be very clever
But however, can't you see,
My heart beats much too much
At a certain tender touch,
It goes boom boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom
Boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom-boom-boom,
Boom boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom"
"Well, goodness gracious me."
Just be sure to avoid the grapefruit.
10:27 PM
You are ever so lovely, you know that, Father? Even when you meddle. Especially when you meddle :-)
7:49 AM
I has oh so much fun meddling with you again last night (and most of this morning) - my medding stick feels quite worn out, and I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for weeks. Who could have guessed that there were so many types of fruit, or that a cumquat could stand up to that type of abuse?
Thank you once again for opening my culinary eyes - oranges indeed are not the only fruit; and they don't get much fruitier than you.
I do hope that the stains will come out; I think you can use red wine to get rid of the blood stains, white wine to rid of the red wine stains, but I've no idea what to do about the tomato juice, and I'm afraid that the vanilla essence will linger longingly, lingually, and lasciviouslly.
Looking forward eagerly to our next visit to the grocer's...
12:46 PM
Well aren't you full of piss and vinegar! Are you recovered, then, from a 4 a.m. bedtime?
I am bringing nectarines on Tuesday; you?
And on the topic of fruits and their many lascivious uses, I hear the ancients used lemon halves as diaphrams/spermicide. Interesting, yes?
7:55 PM
If the ancients used lemons as diaphrams, then I can fully understand why mankind was in a rush to invent the condom. There are many things (and people) which I'd like to have on the end of my member, but a lemon isn't one, I can assure you. A woman who has just drank a lemon drop, now that might be a different story.
Yours from the drunk tank,
Merry Christmas.
9:50 PM
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