Shock has value?

Just putting this out there to shock one of my two lecteurs fidèles. Well, and also because I'm thinking about buying a vacuum and want your opinion on this model.
By the by, is he wearing shoes?
Evanescence has once again succeeded in annoying the hell out of me. There is no doubt that Amy Lee is talented; she's also freakin' gorgeous! However, however! too much angst can kill a good music buzz, and this gal's middle name is angst. She invented the angst note, and she sings it...over and over and over until I think my head just might explode.
I thought, oh leave it on your zune, let it play random, you'll only hear one song now and again. Well, that one song came up today and I'd had enough of The Note at about :56. But I figured I could last one song, how long could it possibly be? The answer is too freakin' looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
I forwarded to the next song and I got Buckcherry where they put me back in a proper frame of mind. Crazy Bitch.
Not just shoes, but also trousers and underwear. I'm just wondering where the other end of the hose attachment is going. Not to mention why she would be hovering a tiled floor. Were I not in work I'd find a better photo for you.
And yes, you've got to dig those goth chicks. My current favorite is Vyxsin from The Amazing Race. Such a pity that they got booted off last night.
5:36 PM
Well, I did see the underwear...I did indeed.
7:15 PM
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