Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

I love my house. It isn't big, it isn't fancy, but it is nestled in a grove of evergreens and desiduous trees that always, always present an amazing view when I look out my kitchen or bedroom window.

I am looking out my kitchen window now. The tree-lined drive is hung with tendrils of fog; the sun is not yet high enough to penetrate the canopy and melt the fog from the ground up. And so the shrouded veil hangs four feet off the ground, turning the evergreens ever-light-green.

Sable is standing, jet-black and full of morning alertness; she is watching for the bunnies that have taken to taunting her in the a.m. She is sure she will catch them this time.

I wonder if this year's crop of bunnies are offspring of the-one-that-isn't-afraid. The one that, when I put my hand on the ground, walked straight into it! All 3 inches of bunny fur, curled in the palm of my hand. I have bunnies on my property, and quail and deer and mockingbirds. Even the mockingbird isn't afraid of Sable.

I stand at my kitchen window and watch as Sable protects me and mine. I slowly sip the most excellent cup of coffee I've made, Kona coffee, a gift from Linda and Gerry from their trip to Hawaii earlier this year. God, how very much I missed them when they were gone...

I turn the cup to read the reflection cast onto it's glossy side. I remember the day Jody and I painted these mugs - her saucer has scribbled nonsense on it, nonsense until you read it's reflection on the cup..."Dream." Scribbled on my saucer, the word "Revive." I have such fun with Jody, such fun.

And there he is, my friend Del Sol. The fog has lifted, the dew sparkles on the tips of ferns and blades of grass. The day has begun.

I love my life.


Blogger Unknown said...

Screw another dog. Let's get bunnies. And chicks.

1:55 PM

Blogger wood_song said...

And fainting goats?

2:29 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yes. Bunnies, chicks (not chickens), and fainting goats. Instead of cat ladies, we'll be bunny, chick, and fainting goat ladies. :)

2:46 AM

Blogger wood_song said...

I'm assuming, then, we will be having a lot of teriyaki chicken...

7:16 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Why? Is teriyaki sauce made out of goat's milk?

6:38 PM


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