Not Exactly PC...
But definitely entertaining!
Oh Lord...
So, I'm not yet decided on who I'm gonna vote for or whether or not I'm even gonna vote. Yeah, I know, that's not very responsible. However, I am still convinced of the pendulum theory, the one that says no matter who's in office, we seldom swing too far to the left or right. Pretty much it's the same old shit, different day, regardless of whether there's a donkey or an elephant in office.
However, I am willing to be edumacated on the topic. Please, though, if you are going to opine politically, could you be as entertaining as The Honorable James David Manning, PhD? You don't have to call anyone a nappy-head, but you will need to use the word "tits" at least once. Or something better...
I want to. smack. him.
...oh, and TITS!
6:31 PM
The word... of God... is in... my mouth!! THE WORD OF GOD!!! Is in my mouth.
I'm pretty sure he meant to say "Satan" when he said "God", he just misread it. Mixed up the letters.
9:21 PM
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