Dead Heat

These snails are mating. Their genitals are in their heads. So, they aren't actually kissing here. They are flat-out fucking. From The Fool, "...courting may take up to six hours, and involves circling, tentacle touching, and lip and genital biting." Sounds strangely familiar...
I think we are voting for a new president this year, yes? Neither Zap nor Gerry can answer that question as I will never, ever trust them on a year-type question again...
The rest of you though, I need you to focus on who I'm going to vote for in November. I don't feel you are taking your responsibilities to proselytize me seriously. Are you an Obama mama or do you like women that cry when they lose? Speak! This is a safe environment in which to do so; I make only one request - that you have an alcoholic beverage in your hand when you do. That's only fair as I'm going to be drinking when I read your responses.
(This reminds me of the best disclaimer I've seen on a blog
Typewriter Machine. I'm with you, Mich.)
Ok, back to l'élection d'un fonctionnaire. I am going online right now to see who is running. It appears my choices are:
For the Elephants, John McCain (he is good-looking in a rugged sort of way, I must admit). For the Asses, Obama and Hillary. I would call her Clinton, make it sound less sexist or perhaps more, turning it back into a good ole' boys club, but then I might confuse her with her ass of a husband.
Now, here's the thing - I don't watch TV, I don't read the newspaper, and I don't surf the net. So I don't have a clue as to what any of these three stand for. I don't know their stance on the war, on abortion, on whether or not teachers/my daughter should get paid more or less. I am virgin soil just waiting for your brains to fuck some sense into me.
I am leaning at the moment, sans intelligent reasoning, towards Obama. I am republican, sure, and this will be the first ever I've crossed the political line. However, I feel my vote would be wasted on McCain if the other 99.9999% of republicans are not voting for a republican candidate.
I have, however, listened to a number of comments and watched a number of Youtube videos. And I've heard from God who says Obama is a MacDaddy.
No offense, God, but I'm leaning towards the MacDaddy and it's solely based on Etherhuffers Synaptic Chasm. His Lincoln's Hat trumps your Holy Word of God, especially since I'm not quite sure what version you are reading from.
The sands in the hourglass are swiftly running out. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Once the HUMINT is in (I read that in a book), I will carefully digest and determine if I should vote my then-enlightened conscience or do what I planned to do all along, which is give my vote to the irish since they have no say but loads of common sense.
Now BOTTOMS UP and pass me a pint of your wisdom forsooth.
I wanna be a snail.
I'll be back with a beverage before you can say, "Barack to the Future"!
mmmmm... snail sex....
3:13 PM
I hope by "beverage," you mean beer. Coke/diet coke are allowed only if they are rum-infused.
3:52 PM
Mmmmm.... beeeeeer.
Yes, Wood Song of Hottieness. Beer in hand and waiting for the fun to commence. Cuz I don't do politics. I will tell you who I am voting for... in a beer or two. By then I won't remember why - and that is my disclaimer.
4:13 PM
Ha ha! Well, I'm three disaronnos to the wind, so the only thing on my mind at the mo is very, very slow sex...
So, who do you think is sexier - Obama or Clinton? Personally, I think he looks too feminine and she looks too masculine...
5:43 PM
I was going to say Hill's first man.
We already have sex in the office: Dick and Bush.
5:58 PM
Ok, Grrrl.... I'm an Obama Lady - Why? Because he pisses people off. He speaks the truth an it PISSES people off. He tells it like it it. With all this bulls#it about elitism, I happen to know that back in 1993, th eguy was only making 50k a year. Granted, for middle class folk like meself - good money. But certainly not elite.
He speaks truth to power - no matter if that power is Democratic or Republican. And BTW - that whole moderate getup on McCain? It's nothing but buls#it... Here's why:
Love you GRRRL!!!! :) :) :)
8:17 PM
here's the rest of that link:
You'll have to cut and paste the whole thing.
((((Woodsong)))) - it's me the Janet from She''s blog. :):):)
8:19 PM
McCain looks like a stroke waiting to happen. Is that my imagination?
8:37 PM
NOT your imagination.
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
8:50 PM
Ok, just wanted to know. I tend to vote for leaders that won't go apoplectic if challenged directly.
Of course, crying when you've lost an argument isn't all the faith-inspiring, either.
I'm going to call the snail on the left Hillary and the snail on the right Obama.
9:07 PM
Ick...they all need to get a room (snails included), or leave Pennsylvania...OR face the purifying salt shaker (I'M MELTING...what world, what a world...)
I have no idea what is happening currently on CSI except I vote for William Peterson. (At least HE understands bug behavior)
10:48 PM
Can I trade in a drink for a joint? It is 4/20 after all...
Is it just the ganja-induced haze, or did you just say that McCain is attractive? Blech! Plus, he's like, older than my mom. It's true! Just ask Jon Stewart. According to the Daily Show, McCain gave President Lincoln a cool glass of water shortly before the Gettysburg Address.
4:19 PM
figureheads we "vote for" matter very little as our species spirals down the porcelain...only a drastic change of spirit and heart will improve our lot and as i vacilate between cynicism and total despair, i know that the power brokers couldn't give a flyin' fuck in a rollin' doughnut about the masses...
...look out for yourselves and your own, that's all any of us can count on...
4:30 PM
Don't get your knickers in a twist deciding between Clinton and Obama. It's not like you have a choice - what do you think this is, a democrary? You'll take whoever the Democratic party decide to throw your way.
Your eventual choice will be between a 71 year old, former presidential candidacy failue from Arizona; and either a barely out of nappies dude whose formative years were spent hanging out on a beach in Honolulu, or a former first lady who obviously can't smoke cigars half as well as yourself Vicky.
It's not as if I get to vote anyway. No taxation without representation, my arse.
BTW Escargot will never taste the same again. I'll be too afraid of getting a love dart stuck in my throat.
5:34 PM
LOL! The idea of hydraulic pressure building around organs and things firing off when genitals are touched is soooo not helping me focus on politics. Mentioning Jon Steward doesn't really help either...
6:00 PM
You have to know what a Republican is first before you can call yourself one.
4:59 PM
...and snails are sexy, it's true. But, in my opinion, still second pick after sea cucumbers. Although I don't think they're very exciting when it comes to reproduction. I just get really excited when I'm snorkling for snails and I see a big penis in the water. It makes me do a Mama squeal... with a snorkel mask on. Funny image!
Here's my two cents, btw. Politicians are all more or less the same. So voting based on issues or character is kind of pointless. I am voting for someone to represent my country well to the rest of the world. So I'd rather have someone up there who has the image of the young, passionate, well-spoken, approachable, intelligent leader. Whether or not he really is intelligent doesn't matter. His cabinet will do the thinking. I want him to make it look like he did it all himself. That's Obamarama for me.
5:11 PM
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