Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nietzsche is dead

From wikipedia: The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In this context, "almost surely" is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the "monkey"

WAIT, back up...did someone say "MATH?" (BRAIN SHUT DOWN NOW BEFORE YOU GET HURT)

NO, hold on a sec, don't be hasty! They also said "MONKEY"...mm, kitty purring, there's a surprise... (BRAIN RE-ENGAGING AND WALKING DOWN A LONG CORRIDOR...)

Someone asked me if I was a Nietzschean. This person clearly does not know me. I am a piece of fluff; I dance, I laugh, I play. I do not think, and never ever deep thoughts.

Still, it gave me pause, so I did some research. And, because I'm lazy fluff, I did my research through wikipedia, a one-stop shop for all your knowledge-based needs. Then, because I like to be well-rounded (intellectually, not physically), I also researched at the uncyclopedia, which has nothing on Nietzsche, totally appropriate for a site that carries the by-line of being a "content-free" encyclopedia.

It isn't completely content-free, however; I found this and again became temporarily sidetracked from the Nietzsche discussion...

See? Fluff.

What I Know About Nietzsche, a short dissertation by a Woodnymph Covered in Fluff

Nietzsche said "God is dead."

The End.

Merriam-Webster defines dead as (among other things) deprived of life (no freakin' duh); lacking power to move, feel, or respond; incapable of being stirred emotionally or intellectually; grown cold; extinguished; very tired. LOL!

Whether or not God is dead, the church can definitely be accused of a few of these things. Not all churches, of course, and not all of these things. The point remains, though, that the biggest turnoff to Christianity is, quite often, the Christians. Especially when banded together in a group, incorporated and having created a set of by-laws for their organization.

Hm, that may be a little Nietzschean after all. Is it possible that, given enough thinking time, I could (as in the monkey theorem) pop out a thought similar to a great philosopher? Me and Nietzsche think alike?? Good God-who-may-or-may-not-be-dead!

The Fool wrote:

Stone, Wood, and Colored Glass

"They built a prison for their god out of stone, wood, and colored glass, and they confined their god inside.

They came and sang songs to Him on Sunday, and forced Him to forgive their sins: their dishonors, falsehoods, petty thefts, and adulteries. He was made to bless their children while they killed the children of others in His name. He was forced to consecrate their marriages, and to allow for their dissolutions. He was made to watch as the plate passed from hand to hand to hand…year after year.

But He was a wily jailbird. He became a hardened con. He purloined a spoon during a Sunday tea, and removed a tile from beneath the altar. Slowly - spoonful by spoonful – He began to tunnel, seeking a way out. He worked at night when the guards were lax, when they thought He was sleeping.

Night by quiet night, He excavated beneath the conjectures constructed to confine Him, until He undermined the faulty foundations of the form that held Him.

And on that night, it all came tumbling down, and their god escaped with a deafening sound…"

That just about sums up my feelings on the topic; perhaps that's what Nietzsche was getting at all along? God is dead; long live God!

On a different topic altogether, tonight is pool night. And, even though the season is concluded, the final playoff game to determine who goes to the money tournament is taking place in a few short hours and Begorrah is going to smash The Bodies. And yours truly will be cheering them on. I feel an 8-ball break is in the offing for the english lad, and I wouldn't be surprised if the irish or ukranian ran the table, eh?

And likely I will stay out until all hours of the morning, resulting in a complete lack of sleep. Which, of course, means I will be very tired tomorrow, and likely confused with dead. But I will, nonetheless, sit at my keyboard and randomly strike keys, banking on the monkey theorem working for humans too :-)


Blogger Unknown said...

I like that you couldn't decide how to spell Nietzsche. :)

Speaking of monkeys, there's a funny one-act play by David Ives called Words, Words, Words in which three monkeys contemplate the meaning of life and ultimately end up writing Hamlet. If you remembered the version with Nat in it, I think you'd have a very different reaction to monkeys. :)

10:48 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

...and if that same monkey were handed a bass guitar, could it eventually bang out the bassline from "Barney Miller"?...i think not...but perhaps "Another One Bites The Dust"...

2:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember monkey-boy Nat, and you're right - the way he ate those bananas gave a whole new meaning to monkeys spitting, and not in the way that a-peels to me.

And SP, yes, but the singing would likely suck.

By the by, there was an 8-ball break, not Begorrah's, but that didn't keep Begorrah from slicing and dicing :-)

6:41 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Haha! "a-peeling"! Hehe.

Yes, Nat adds a whole new level of yuck to monkeys.

11:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with my spelling?

2:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Nothing now. Before, you had "Nietzsche" spelled "e" first and "i" first.

2:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly you were seeing things (wink!).


2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone who was supposedly kept up all night healing the east/west divide (and hopefully not creating little Usranians) should not be posting comments at 6:41 am in the morning.

Also the standard response to someone who describes you as Nietzchean is to thump the bugger and call him a ponce. Unless of course you were already discussing philosophy in which case you are both ponces and you deserve whatever you get.

Besides, any one who has read these missives should know that wood_song has be a Epicurean.

There's nothing Nietzche couldn't teach ya 'bout the raising of the wrist...

6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I'm afraid I'm pretty much disqualified from being a true follower of Epicurus. He thinks sex leads to dissatisfaction with your partner.

Say what??? While I can't speak for the other person, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Woke up with one there too :-)

7:41 PM

Blogger Jon said...

The infinate-monkey theory is a fallacy of misplaced concretion. It is the reification of a concept that exists only because of the nonsensical parameters established within the theory. No monkey can live to infinity, and over eons a monkey will evolve and no longer be a monkey.

I playfully asked our blogger here if she were a Nietzschean. Not a Nietzschean in the oft-misinterpreted sense, which seems to be the level of understanding of at least one commenter here, but in the sense of having a passion for life and creativity.

Shaun Attwood

2:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before anyone responds, may I remind my readers that what happens at the cabin stays at the cabin...

Suffice it to say that I do, indeed, love life, mine at least, and all those who are in it :-)

2:57 PM

Blogger ~:*:*:Sparrow:*:*:~ said...

Back off Shaun, she's mine.


7:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Well, that settles it. Unless someone has something in their pocket other than pixie dust, I'm going home with the hot chick :-) :-) :-)

9:37 AM


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