Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Me, Myself and I

I had a conversation with myself about the upcoming election. I told myself that I needed to take it a little more seriously. I am, after all, Republican.

Myself replied, "WTF for?" Myself is the tiniest bit democratic, so tends to be thoughtless and flippant.

"Seriously," replied me. Me is very centered, so never votes because thoughts always balance themselves out making it a zero sum game. "There isn't much more we can learn that will change who we are voting for."

I interjected. "What if one of them was running a prostitution ring?"

Me replied, "Well, then, it might be worth a second thought."

Myself said, "Yeah, I don't really care that he dated a chick named Flame when they were young."

Me said, "Kinda cool, though, that she was an exotic dancer."

I nodded my head and added my two-cents worth. "If I was an exotic dancer, I would name myself Candy Cane."

Myself replied, "Already taken."

Me, "Pussy Galore."

Myself, "Taken."

I, "Kitty Tingles?"

Still, we all agreed. Flame is Not My Biz.

Here's what is my biz: When I picture McCain as the president of these MY United States, I throw up a little in my mouth.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha! You so funny.

My name would be Candy Rockwell. Sounds like she could be a legitimately professional woman, or a legitimate professional.

11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Munkee Biznez :=)

12:24 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

lest i misconstrue your words, democratic persons are "thoughtless and flippant"?...

i guess that's a step up from being a traitorous, godless commie fag...

...choking on puke always makes me wake up too...

4:33 PM


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