Kiss Me You Fool
Can I just say, lips are sexy. God must have thought so, too, cuz he gave women two pair; men have been fascinated with us ever since :)

Women, care should be taken to keep your lips healthy; this blog is therefore dedicated to the proper care of the upper, more visible pair and the application of color.
When applying lipstick, follow these steps to keep the color where it belongs:
1. Apply color - if you are using a dark shade, do try to stay in the lines :)

2. Hold up your index finger

3. Part your lips

4. Insert your index finger and close your lips tightly around it.

5. Now pull your finger out slowly. Hold the pucker for an extra second just for fun.

Lips should be kept supple and moist. Shiny is not necessary but some consider it a plus.

Get rid of your inhibitions about color; a lower lip can be seductive even when you are in the blackest of moods.

Dark colors convey a sultry worldliness...

Soft shades, on the other hand, hint at virtue that may or may not exist. A well-poised finger doesn't hurt either.

It's always fun to color-coordinate with your surroundings. Anyone for a blue drink?

Eating's a bit tricky and may require reapplication after the meal...unless you open your mouth really wide.

If you must eat with your mouth open, make sure it communicates the intended message.

And always always make sure to remove your lipstick one way or another before falling into a sound sleep.

I want that purple color!
8:18 PM
Wow! Nearly impossible to read through to the end in one sitting (well at least not without a lot of delicious squirming in the seat).
Remind me to buy you a punnet of cherries.
11:05 AM
number nine number nine number nine number nine...
9:07 AM
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