Kiss and Tell which I share my thought on kissing :-)
Main Entry:plush
a: notably luxurious b: rich, full
I was once described as dancing with my eyes closed, lips open, as if I was tasting the music. It should surprise no one to hear that I am the same with kissing; I'm also feeling and hearing the kiss.
What could one possibly hear during a kiss? The faintest whispers of breath, fluttering heartbeats, sounds that suggest soft and supple wet places.
What can one feel from a kiss? Smoothness, swelling, dips and curves.
With my eyes closed, the feeling is way more intense; I see a swirl of heated colors in my head, red and purple and bursts of gold, colors that pulse and vibrate as strong as any thermal imaging. I love kissing every bit as much as I love to dance. Both fill my body with a similar joie de vivre.
During a good kiss, I feel the rush of blood to every part of my body. My hands and feet and nose, perpetually cold, are instantly heated; and connecting the lines to these remote dots will take a path through heated, steamy parts of my body that beg to be explored forthwith and post haste, by lips and tongue and fingers. When I kiss, I want to be touched.

Yes. All that from a kiss. Scary, eh? So what advice would a piece of fluff give about kissing?
9 Tips on How To Kiss Fluff-style:
1. Take your time. Close your eyes and imagine you are licking the rim of a glass. Run your tongue over the smooth edge and follow the curve for just a bit. End with a little flick.

2. Instead of sucking his tongue, suck his lower lip. Take the fullness of his between yours, and then draw it further into your mouth with the softest suck, then deeper with more intensity. Nip his lower lip, but restrain yourself - otherwise he may feel that you intend to eat him, and not in the good way.

3. Release his now tingling, slightly plumped lip, and trace its lower outline with the tip of your tongue. Start closer to the middle of his lip and follow the curve to the outer edge.
4. Tease the intersection of his upper and lower lips; slip the tip of your tongue just inside and draw it slowly out and up, nudging his upper lip and stretching this sweet spot.
5. Lick the hollow under his jaw, then kiss it, using suction to draw him into your mouth; you won't get much, that's not the point. You are sucking a vital spot, just over a vein that will pump blood even faster if you do this right, blood that will carry a message to the entire rest of his body.

6. Now that you've told him your lips like to wander, return to his lips and, starting at that same intersection, lick the entire swell of his lower lip. Slip your fingers in his hair and clench. I'm willing to bet there is swelling elsewhere...
7. Tilt your head; lips feel best when they are not perfectly matched head-on. If you doubt me, try kissing from a heads-upside-down angle - the pressure you can apply to his lower lip (and he to yours!) from this angle is...well, indescribably delicious. (And it's a perfect angle for him to slip his hand down your throat and into the soft swell between and below your breasts:)

8. Don't slobber. Suck at the appropriate time so you are not leaving him feeling as if he needs to wipe his lips with the back of his hands after the kiss has ended - this motion will put paid to any chance of this escalating into a "Remove your clothes right fucking now so I can do that to YOUR lips!"

9. Think about his body while you are kissing; think about what YOU would like to do to...other places. Keep in mind that, to him, this is a precurser of things to come. If he is evaluating how that might feel elsewhere, why shouldn't you imagine the same thing while you are just kissing?
Now who's ready to practice?
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