Who says it's a bad thing when the cup is half empty?

Monday, October 05, 2009

Dorky Is As Dorky Does

I had lunch today with mein schonen Junge eine. She went to Oktoberfest in Leavonworth this weekend past, and she was all a-twitter because she got hit on by a youngster! He was 21, she is 23. She's a dork.

After taking my seat, I casually placed my purse and a page from Maxim, a pic of Jim Parsons, on the table near the chips n' salsa; she glanced down and immediately began drooling in the bean dip. A geek/nerd will turn her head nearly as fast as a soccer/rugby hottie. If she could just get them all rolled into one...

The topic went from geeks and nerds to dorks. To review, geeks have mental prowess; nerds lack physical prowess. Geeks are intellectually superior beings created in a special, top-secret room by God himself; nerds are made from the bottom of the matter batter.

Dorkiness is different from both. It refers to aberrant behavior. A dork is someone who does funny/stupid stuff not giving a flying rat's ass what others think, and generally pulling it off as eye-rolling, but cute. A dork, in fact, is likely to have thrown the rat and shouted, "Hey, look! A flying rat's ass!"

Dealing with a dork is significantly easier than dealing with either a nerd or a geek. All you gotta do is say, "You're such a DORK." Generally, dorky behavior requires nothing from you except that simple acknowledgement. And since calling someone a dork is more a term of endearment than an insult, there are generally no hard feelings on either side. Dorks are socially tolerated if not fully accepted.

You'll not get off so lightly with a nerd or a geek. First, a nerd is rather like a wombat - shy, gawkish and, where a wombat has a backwards pouch, a nerd would totally wear a fanny pack. A nerd is socially unacceptable and likely aware of it; his/her ability to survive under such harsh conditions of rejection depends upon whether or not he/she cares. Once a nerd accepts his unacceptability, he becomes accepted in a circular logic sort of way.

Geeks present a more complex problem, which is funny because a geek lives to solve problems as complex as he/she presents. Again, circular logic - except a geek likely knows the exact circumfrence of the circular problem he presents. And hot geeks do not wear fanny packs.

Of the three, dorks appear to be the better-adjusted, being physically and mentally not that different from normal people. Geeks may look normal, but their neuroanatomical nucleus is actually just a giant monitor running a thousand lines of code written in a complex programming language. Nerds have no neuroanatomical nucleus, or underdeveloped ones at best.

Clearly, I spend way too much time at work thinking about geeks and nerds and dorks. Hm...I wonder why that is?


Anonymous Fr Soc. Al Ian Ept said...

I think you really should look up the actual meaning (i.e. dictionary meaning, rather than the quotidian usage) of "dork" before using it to refer to the beloved Monekyboy.
Definiton of dork.

BTW The work proxy is blocking www.dorks.com as being pornographic. Note to self to check it out when I get home.

7:00 PM

Anonymous woodsong said...

Father, let me know if it's worth a peek.

Yes, dork is also slang for whale penis - think pink and on the largish side of imaginable. Monkeyboy is definitely...oh, never mind.

4:41 PM


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