Happy HoliYUMdays!

As mentioned, it's that time of year when we have a little nosh, followed by a light snack followed by a quick meal followed by elevensies followed by a nap followed by about a forty pound weight gain if we've been counting calories.
So, in honor of the occasion, I've decided to review two foodly items, one extremely good and the other getting a gazillion thumbs down.
Homemade Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls with sugar-free glaze
Rating: the aforementioned gazillion thumbs down
Comments: What kind of sick mind comes up with such things? Cinnamon rolls are intended to be softly white with all kinds of sugary goodness to augment the cinnamon flavor. The dough is gently handled to prevent toughness, and the nature of the assembled uncooked product - dough, butter, sugar/cinnamon - insures we are biting into something soft, rich and ever so delicious when it is done baking to a golden brown in the oven. Recipes vary, but nearly all use such phrases as, "stretch gently," "sprinkle generously," and "DO NOT OVERBAKE."
Whole wheat by nature is tough! It's God's way of ensuring we don't die of colon cancer! It's intended to clean out the residual bits of perfectly-made cinnamon rolls after the holidays when we are back to be diet-conscious and slightly depressed folks. If you want a birkenstock sort of pastry, then EAT A BRAN MUFFIN. But if you make cinnamon rolls for the office and you use whole wheat flour, be kind and tell folks? I had to use five pats of butter, a tsp. of salt AND a significant amount of creamed and sugared coffee on top to make the thing edible!!
I mean, really, what's the bloody point?
Tim Tams
Rating: A most emphatic thumbs up and I can't wait to get home tonight!
Comments: Ok, aussies are a strange bunch, but they do have the Tim Tam.
I've just had my first, and it was followed quickly by a second. I ate the first and immediately came to the conclusion that this delicious cookie treat would be perfectly paired with a nice cup of coffee. I also felt the experience could be enhanced if the Tim Tam was zapped for 5 seconds in the microwave to relax the caramel layer inside. A few minutes later, I was enjoying a variation of the Tim Tam Slam without even realizing there was such a thing.
I plan to try a Tim Tam Suck tonight if the canadian will oblige :)